Consumers vs. Ascetics

Client: WeShare
Location: Berlin, Haus Ungarn
Date: November 2019
Services: Idea, Show Concept and Execution

It’s already become something like a good old tradition. After a short break, our Cliché Bashing now kick-starts for WeShare.
At the “Haus Ungarn”, Volker Wieprecht and Sissy Metzschke were getting to the bottom of a common idea.
Consumers and ascetics entered the arena as opponents and – as it happens in the best case scenario at a Cliché Bashing – left the arena with a better understanding of each other.
Good news for sustainability! Both parties surprisingly agreed: It’s quite clear, we need to take action. What exactly has to be done and in which way; however, (luckily!) still caused some dispute in the end.

Thanks to all our guests, who helped us to discover the truth: Gesine Kühne (Fashion Journalist), David Suchy (Founder First Berlin Vegan Zero Waste Restaurant FREA), Alexander Jung (Project Lead of Neue Mobilität Agora Verkehrswende),  Norbert Völl (Press Spokesman Grüner Punkt), Ulf Schulz (Founder motorKosmos) and Jessica Böhme (Researcher and Writer about Radical Sustainable Lifestyles).

Video © Glutamat
Photos © WeShare