Partying with Millions
Client: Audi City Berlin
Location: Berlin, Audi City Berlin
Date: April 2016
Services: Idea, Concept and Production
A new vehicle that doesn’t easily fit into an existing category yearns for the love of those who’ve chosen to live a life that is just as unconventional and free.
And it takes a moment and an atmosphere like Boiler Room’s Party at Audi City Berlin to bring Audi’s new Q2 and these young, progressive people together. And given Boiler Room’s status as a social media eyeball millionaire, quite a lovefest unfolded.
Artists: Âme, Breakbot, Digitalism, Nicole Moudaber, Nik Nowak x Audi Q2
#audiq2 #audicityberlin #boilerroom #untaggable
Do we have to #label #everything?
Photos © Ralf Rühmeier
Video © Boiler Room